Monday, October 20, 2014


I miss paper. Paper was my friend. I always knew where it was when i needed it. I miss being able to hold an assignment in my hand and put it in a folder. I liked being able to pull it out of my binder when I got home. I liked being able to see with my own eyes and hold with my hands the work i had to do. it made it almost imposable to forget to do it. But now all my assignments are digital. nothing for me to hold are keep a track of in the real world. its all in a digital world that does nothing for me but distract me. I am too easily sidetracked by a shiny object such as Youtube or Facebook or any of another hundred places. I open my computer to do work but in a mater of seconds I can't remember what the work was or where I can find it. I miss the days when i never had to where if i forgot an assignment. I miss paper.


  1. I'm on the opposite end of you on this debate, Chris. I hate paper! I hate the way it feels, but that might be because I'm a tech-geek and I can access everything with a simple click. I can type faster, get my point across more clearly, and just overall have less clutter. I recognize the downsides of this, though - including a stronger likelihood to lose your things along the way.

  2. Chris,
    When reading a book I prefer to have a paper version in front of me. For nearly all other things I prefer technology. Typing is easier than writing on paper for instance. I dislike the clutter of paper and having to carry everything around in folders and binders. If I could perform everything digitally I would. I would love to never have to carry a backpack to school. I could bring my laptop or smartphone to class every day and be completely prepared for class. Even printing out papers is a hassle. If I could email everything, even if this meant turning my paper in through anti-plagiarism software I would not mind. Overall the avoidance of clutter and not having to deal with all the handouts and papers at the end of the year is a plus. Admittedly the paperwork does make for a wonderful bonfire.

  3. I agree with a lot of what you are saying here. I also prefer to read a book over the e-book. I also hate how now at most jobs you apply to, it's all done online! There are also some brightsides though. For example, you don't have to go digging through a pile of papers whenever you need to find something. I know how you feel about technology and this course so this post was well done and I respect your opinions.

  4. I love this post. Chris- you know that I am full of strategies and tools to deal with this paperless world. Let me know if you ever want to sit down and figure some out!
